Keeps mama happy.
No need for comment except to quote my friend Marthe, “uhnh.”
Jul 24 2012
Keeps mama happy.
No need for comment except to quote my friend Marthe, “uhnh.”
Jul 16 2012
So, now that I’ve moved to town, and have added more people ingredient to my current life’s recipe, I’ve decided that there are really, maybe only a few answers to many personal questions in life. So, this is the multi-purpose right answer that works for everything from “what do you want to do?” to financials to questions of a personal matter or about relationships.
Me, me, call on me!
Actually, this is from my therapist in Wichita, Dr. Stephen Sowards.
(Dr. Sowards gives a big intake and sighs first. The eyes avert slightly to reflect thought processing in a particular hemisphere or the other, alerting listener of what could possibly ensue if they continue on with the particular line of questioning.
Then one responds, “It’s sooooooo complicated.”
Pretty much peoples’ eyes glaze over. You can stop putting forth any effort from that point on.
But, I do have a nice party favor. I hand them my card.
Jul 11 2012
I saw Michael Savage, The Artist, the other day at Eddy’s.
We have different coffee schedules with our respective yoga-paint patterns.
Anyway, we only had a minute for an update.
We don’t really need to get into the context.
And, I don’t want to put word’s in someone else’s mouth, but I think it went something like this.
To paraphrase the Sauvage:
“Well, in the [good] old’n days, the wife [in the country] just died!”
Jul 1 2012
It’s a form of window shopping which requires no discussion of,
“whether or not we can afford it.”
If you can, your name is below it and we thank you.