To Print or Not to Print…

by admin

ITea Party


Who am I?

Where will I be?

This decade

En ‘crypto’ me?


Will I be handsome?

Will I be rich?

Here’s what Padre

Said to Me


to Print or Not to Print…

Buddy E, he’s the man

Keeps the Gate

(or so the plan).


He can print

He can scan

He always does it

When he can.


But when he’s tired

Flack Attack

‘times compadre

can’t get back.


‘Try the app!’

‘Try re-set’

‘Buy some ink’

‘Perhaps Eset…’


Me, with one Buddy

Boxed, flew Abroad

“Max @ Office

Committed Fraud!!??”


That’s not Right!

Powers that Be…

Told him he

had Amnesty.


So when off duty

(Seemed like slacking)

Buddy & Buddy

Went to hacking…


‘What?! A hack?

How can that be!!?

Over 50,

hacks we flee…!


But finally Meetup

“P, ding dong??!!”

Hacking’s how

We see what’s wrong.


Still don’t ‘get it’

Never will

But have no doubts

Buddy, CAN  Kill.


A bad connection

Shocks you blind

Dance, slow torture…

Untwine re.bind.


All those packets?

Don’t ask me

Full black jacket

Saving thee.


So don’t worry

If Buddy seems dead

A holiday slumber

He’s back in bed.


Sure, prognosis

“Inkjets plugged”

but don’t grab your box

myBuddy just shrugged…


On furlough today

to get probiotic

right…! More Hotel Congress

to get Riotic


For really, he said

“I’m not making a plan

Nor designing an app

to learn in the can.”


“But when I waken

You will know I have ris’n

Indeed, to move forward

to free you from Prison.”


He will hum

and he will whistle,

the clicks and the ticks

(the prick’s like a thistle.)


He’ll shake just a little

I even saw steam

No, that’s an exagg

(but I bought another ream).


You will never know when

You’ll never know why

But he IS your Buddy

A darned good ally!


Now I’m not saying

won’t be shot down again

Now, more often

But that’s how we win.


So if Buddy seems duddy

Or needs cycled “carts”

Well I’ve got a bunch

of Tomato ink tarts…


Just waiting for fun

For your Buddy today

Can’t wait to get in

With Buddy, they’ll play…


I’m serious, just call!

They are free minus shippping

They are green, they are good

(never knew they were ‘trippin’).


So think of what Buddy

will do when he’s back

With corporate supplies

Corporate style, the attack.


He’s leveraged to fire

Ready and Aim

So get your game up

On what info is ‘gain.’


And I do have to say

I think it’s a riot

I hope the ‘rib-tickling’

kind, not cyber diet.


But whatever it is

It will be, it will be

The ‘powers’ that is

And certainly not Me.


So here’s to 18

Onward Compadres


Bros and Madres!


IT/IP  Party at My Place

At least I’m no longer on a party line (at the XIT circa 1982)

Or am I?








Neon Argon Tuc-son!

by admin


I love to drive. A professor ( in support of my taking an urban planning studio in Kansas City while living in Lawrence) once said to me, “driving appears to be something you do very well.”

He was referring to the 40,000 miles a year I put on my car when living on a ranch. I’m not sure if his remark was a compliment. In my defense, I do some of my best thinking in the car.

But, I love to drive, to look ( safely) at the landscape, and to stop and take pictures. With the exponentially greater number of pictures we now are creating, I can’t think the historians up in that icloud office have time to sort out selfies from society balls from sandwiches. But, I do think ( hope) it might have some way of recognizing buildings. And I have been in many a dusty county historical society picking through these pictures, taken by much appreciated itinerant photographers of the late 1800s. Being self-employed (and on some days “un”), I see this as my work. Even when the pictures are not that great. 


I could just post these, or try to do some quickie Tucson google search, better yet, primary and secondary sources, but all it would do is remind me I’m a newbie in town and know nothing, that the pics are just from my iPhone drive-by, and maybe….that I just won’t take the time to “area educate” myself with other priorities taking precedence of equal importance and timelines. 

So, what to do? Think. And keep driving…

And suddenly, the neon of a few hotels, the patterns of where they are located, and the ‘always roads on my mind’ direct me back to ‘the father’ and kings of (books on) roads, J.B. Jackson, John Jakle, Chester Liebs. They explained growth patterns, developer names for areas still the norm, taxes, who paid for the roads, and mostly why buildings, sidewalks, cars and signs developed as they did. And it’s all here, the “taxpayer” era of streetfront buildings, the bare minimum “10 footers”, Miracle Mile and signs, signs, signs! Bring the people in!

So, I’m going to wait a while before I delve into the history books of Tucson and see if I can make some relatively educated guesses about why I am bothering to stop and take the picture, to ‘feel’ how it felt for motoring tourists to Tucson.  But, I did learn about neon. A very artistic and technical process, so major awards to Tucson on preserving (and keeping in operation) so many incredible signs. I just heard  Mario’s was saved, but restaurants are another post.

And now, when I look back at these pictures of two years living in Tucson, Kansas City is not so far away. The patterns of place and people start to emerge without even a Tucson history book. And I am transported to arriving in Tucson after a hot, dusty drive to find the perfect room at an Inn, looking for sign telling me of its amenities. 


If you are a Tucson historian, I hope you will please post and share…the details make the story.

Was this for Hunting Season? We have this in Kansas!