When I worked at an Art Museum, what I liked the most about it was that I didn’t have to talk.
Yes, pretty amazing to hear from me, isn’t it?
But I really did all the time anyway, in the way I like the best. And the other day, I was passing one of the patrons with whom I’d chatted it up while on my post.
[I saw her at the Saturday morning market in Old OP, I was browsing the beets. She was on wheels, parked at the periphery by the parsley, but fully aware of her presence.]Paula: “Heeey!” “It’s been a while!”
Stroller Girl: “what’s up! look at all these colors…makes me wanna’ paint, what about you?”
Paula: “…workin’ on it, more like drawings….”
Stroller Girl: “Any new codependents in your life….?”
Paula: “well, you know what they say ‘54 is the new 65′….I’m getting wiser everyday…
My Grandmother Millie only made it to 97, though.”
“What if they bump up that number in the system and make it higher…
I might not re-set to your sagacity. “
Stroller Girl: “I still haven’t shaken these two…I’m going to give them some time…
I’ve heard if you can get them to three they get a little better.
I just have to stick with my program….”
“they’re such whiners sometimes, though. A little self-discipline
tempered with Gaga-acceptance would go a long way.”
“But, the food is good…and, it pays the rent.
so….until I get a Barbie Car and grow a pair, these wheels are as good as it gets,”
Paula: “You know it is nice to have a little of my own space and hi-place, but the solo thing is overrated…
And I’ll tell you, so is lookin’ out for yourself and growing up….”
“I’ve now been known to grow a pair, too, these days.
But, only when warranted & I really get pushed.
Sugar coated, of course.”
Paula: “But, I didn’t mean the kids…you know what I mean…”
Stroller Girl: “well, you know they say ‘one is the new 5...'”
You know these guy babes, though….I don’t get it...
Bald is the look and they’re wearing rugs
White is the new black but I’m only seeing it at the roots…
Who in heaven’s nursery taught them all this stuff…
Is this supposed to be what we want? So much work! hi maintenance stuff!”
Paula: “Well, I think WE did, but it’s kind of a chicken or egg thing, don’t know what came first…”
“I just look at it as Pay Back. “
“It’s pretty weird times, though…
just when I thought I must look 80 with all the attention from ‘peers,’
I mesmerized some four year old across a crowded restaurant…cute guy.”
“It was really pretty flattering …he hadn’t even tasted my fried chicken.
…really had a nice van, so I was curious about the nod.”
“I think it was my shoes….”
Stroller Girl: “Yea, I know that guy….buggy’s a Porsche P’4911, right?”
Paula: “Yes! …..and….?”
Stroller Girl: “Well, I’m sure your shoes were great, but I think he has a foot fetish.
And remember what they say….”
Paula: “What’s that?”
Stroller Girl: “It’s only when a babe gives you a key to his Porsche
that you know
you’re close to winning his heart.“