Whatever happened to old man nick?
Lost his bees and
He Lost his..schtick
All those mags
the counter Bee’hind
Behind behind,
Oh, ladies oh so kind.
I stopped at red roof
Out here in A-ri-zona
To see any sign-a
That might now make it known-a
I remember the first time
With grandfather Paul
Grandamolie got candy
But I went with Tall
They called him
For he was quite thin
We gazed at the hives
Drones humming within.
But, Whatever REALLY happened
to old man nick?
Lost his bees and
Lost his…
Pick of which heir
to bee
Next in line
to charge the fee.
For next in TIME
In Roadside travel
Kids places to go…
Spray the gravel
But not here cuz
Ain’t got no buzz
Few trips with gramps
no tales no fuzz
So why the relic?
There still standing
Strange red roof
Was so commanding
Why the bees
And candy corn?
Mixed in with it
You think some…
Poorrrr….nother coke
Just take your time…
Grandma’s shopping
Grandpa fine.
Go see hive
Wow, see THAT honey
Find the drone
And spend some money
(great selection)
What a rack
‘Hind the counter
More in back
Grandpa’s here!
( but keep sealed lips)
And first the bees
Some edu-tips
And so it was
The story ended
Historic credits
On property, lended?
I didn’t google
I didn’t ‘wik’
I just imagine
It happened so quick
When ‘ol man’ was
Starting to fail
Next of kin knew
Bees would bail
But oh so clever
He was, I see
Would he pay penance
To every bee?
That lost its job
Were they set free?
What really happened?
I’d better stop…
At these old haunts
These roads my jaunts
Still see red roofs
in states across
The Wild West
But where’s the boss?
I could stop in
The place next door
I’ll be discreet
Won’t buy any poooorrr…
nnn’Nice items inside!’
And toys galore
You think funny pops
Now test this out?
What an idea
To carry about
Gets me to the next stop
Where I will get out.
And when I imagine
Kids running around
flipping switches
Hearing sounds
It is a comfort
That things don’t change
All that much
Just rearrange
And I will stop
‘nother pic ‘nother state
And I’ll report, I won’t be late
Just ask directions
“Where’s the loo?”
Use the ladies
Some candy too
And if they ask
Why I stopped there
I’ll be real casual
As I stand in the lair
‘New to Arizona’
‘My phones not stable’
‘You have strong wi fi’
Good fiber and cable
An’ in my mind
He sends me out back
I’d like to imagine
To the funny red shack
So altogether now
You’ve got the BUZZ
“It’s Not about stops
It’s about the FUZZ!”
So ‘Whatever happened to
‘Ol man nick’
Son lost his bees
And he lost his schtick.
Without any bees
Well, there was no honey
Sugar or spice
And there was no money
To keep up the roof
So let’s inspect
A Cultural icon
It’s still erect!